quinta-feira, janeiro 25, 2007
O Mar, O Mar

in Câmara Clara.

"I actually saw, in the diffused midsummer darkness-light, the creamy curling waves just below me, and the particular spiral of their movement in the confined space. Then I was in the water whose intense cold surprised me with a separate shock, and I made the instinctive swimmer's movement of trying to right myself; but my body was aware that no swimming could take place in that vortex. I felt as if my neck was breaking as I looked up to see a dome of dark faintly translucent green, the wave above me. I was choking and swallowing water, absorbed in the one task of getting another breath. At the same time I was able to think: this is the end. I fought, my whole body fought, now flailing senselessly in a maelstrom of powers which seemed about to dismember me."
in "The Sea, The Sea", Iris Murdoch.
posted by George Cassiel @ 2:29 da tarde  
  • At 5:41 da tarde, Blogger Filipe M. Reis said…

    Neste mar o nosso Charles Arrowby não corria o risco de se afogar já que que a água mal lhe chegaria ao tornozelo. Grande livro! Não sabia que também tinhas a versão original.
    Obrigado por tornares explítico o que estava implícito no post do Câmara Clara.
    E que tal participares? (refiro-me ao Public Reading)

  • At 10:50 da manhã, Blogger Silvia Chueire said…


    Onde andas?



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