quinta-feira, abril 07, 2005
Bruxelas - Grand Hotel Europe - 15/4 a 24/4
"Grand Hotel Europe is the name of a major literary festival in Brussels. For a period of ten days authors from Belgium and abroad will be guests at the Passa Porta house of literature and the Centre for Fine Arts. The writers include some very well-known names. Writers with very strong views. Writers with different and often mixed roots.

What makes this literary festival so special is not only its highly international orientation but also its distinct multilingual character. Which comes as no surprise. Brussels is well on its way to becoming a true world city and an uncrowned linguistic capital. Brussels hopes to present itself as a fertile biotope for a boundless and rich literary life and ‘Grand Hotel Europe’ clearly highlights this ambition. The festival opens its doors to Brussels, Belgium and the big world.

This year Belgium will not only commemorate its 175th anniversary but also 25 years of federalism. Naturally a double anniversary like this gives rise to all sorts of questions concerning boundaries, nationality and
identity. The literary rendezvous in Brussels is not only limited to Belgian writers, but also takes a good look at the international scene. The name ‘Grand Hotel Europe’ summarizes it very well. Hotels with a grand name like this are found both in Europe and abroad. In Saint Petersburg for example, it is an extremely smart five-star hotel, whilst in India it is a lodging house that has seen better days.

In any metropolis a large hotel is an open house for international traffic, the perfect base for making discoveries and much more. This is what ‘Grand Hotel Europe’ aims to be, and it offers many rooms. In our suites, single rooms and conference rooms, writers open up new panoramic views."
posted by George Cassiel @ 10:25 da manhã  
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"Este era un cuco que traballou durante trinta anos nun reloxo. Cando lle chegou a hora da xubilación, o cuco regresou ao bosque de onde partira. Farto de cantar as horas, as medias e os cuartos, no bosque unicamente cantaba unha vez ao ano: a primavera en punto." Carlos López, Minimaladas (Premio Merlín 2007)

«Dedico estas histórias aos camponeses que não abandonaram a terra, para encher os nossos olhos de flores na primavera» Tonino Guerra, Livro das Igrejas Abandonadas

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