quinta-feira, janeiro 13, 2005
1941 - Zurique

Morre, aos 58 anos, James Joyce. Hoje, 64 anos depois, continua a fazer todo o sentido lembrar a sua obra.

Odiados ou amados, mas sempre incontornáveis, os livros de James Joyce continuam a alimentar as inspirações de muitos e a transpiração da maior parte.

"The only demand I make of my reader," disse Joyce a um entrevistador "is that he should devote his whole life to reading my works." Exagero, ou talvez não!

"But when the restraining influence of the school was at a distance I began to hunger again for wild sensations, for the escape which those chronicles of disorder alone seemed to offer me. The mimic warfare of the evening became at last as wearisome to me as the routine of school in the morning because I wanted real adventures to happen to myself. But real adventures, I reflected, do not happen to people who remain at home: they must be sought abroad." (de "Dubliners")

"We are praying now for the repose of his soul. Hoping you're well and not in hell. Nice change of air. Out of the fryingpan of life into the fire of purgatory." (de "Ulisses").
posted by George Cassiel @ 1:46 da tarde  
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"Este era un cuco que traballou durante trinta anos nun reloxo. Cando lle chegou a hora da xubilación, o cuco regresou ao bosque de onde partira. Farto de cantar as horas, as medias e os cuartos, no bosque unicamente cantaba unha vez ao ano: a primavera en punto." Carlos López, Minimaladas (Premio Merlín 2007)

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