terça-feira, novembro 02, 2004
Don Delillo - o autor

Photo by Don Hogan Charles/The New York Times

"Don DeLillo published his first short story when he was twenty-three years old. He has since written several other novels, including White Noise (1985) which won the National Book Award. It was followed by Libra (1988), his novel about the assassination of President Kennedy, and by Mao II, which won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction.
In 1997, he published the bestselling Underworld, and in 1999 he was awarded the Jerusalem Prize, given to a writer whose work expresses the theme of the freedom of the individual in society; he was the first American author to receive it. His latest novel, The Body Artist, was published in January 2001. He is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters."

Biografia - Penguin Group (USA).

I was born on Nov. 20, 1936." Except for a short stint in Pennsylvania when he was quite young, he was brought up in the Fordham section of the Bronx, a neighborhood of mostly Italian- Americans.
(from Passaro, 1991)

"My parents were born in Italy. My father came to this country in 1916, I believe, when he was a young boy of nine. There was my grandmother, my father and his brothers and sisters. There was a total of about seven people, including a dwarf, and a child my grandmother picked up in Naples along the way.
"My father eventually went to work for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company as a sort of auditor in an enormous office at one desk along with a hundred identical desks here in New York."
(from Burn, 1991)

He lived near Arthur Avenue, with its popular food shops and restaurants. It was a childhood of sports, family and games. He played "every conceivable form of baseball," basketball and football. "No one had a football around there. We used to wrap up a bunch of newspaper with tape and use that. That was our football."
(from Passaro, 1991)

"Being raised as a Catholic was interesting because the ritual had elements of art to it and it prompted feelings that art sometimes draws out of us. I think I reacted to it the way I react today to theater. Sometimes it was awesome; sometimes it was funny. High funeral masses were a little of both, and they're among my warmest childhood memories."
(from LeClair, 1979)

"I think there is a sense of last things in my work that probably comes from a Catholic childhood. For a Catholic, nothing is too important to discuss or think about, because he's raised with the idea that he will die any minute now and that if he doesn't live his life in a certain way this death is simply an introduction to an eternity of pain."
(from Passaro, 1991)

posted by George Cassiel @ 1:37 da tarde  
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