quinta-feira, abril 24, 2008
Em maré de recomendações

"Steiner has here transformed the vaporous conceptions of his life, the vapors of what never was and never will be, from their aeriform state to a fine and ethereal substantiality. My Unwritten Books is a gathering of shades, an elegant and eloquent gathering of mind, feeling, and autumnal passion. (...) And that is the lovely irony of this unique little book. None of these unwritten books should have been written. They are better here, as they are, untamed and errant phantoms of a brilliance whose emanations no one mortal lifetime could ever accommodate in full." - Nick Tosches, Bookforum

"Ten years on he comes across as more vulnerable still, overcome by late-flowering doubt and a crippling awareness of "the abyss at the heart of love". If he isn't exactly humble (his confessions of failure sometimes sound more like boasts), he remains his own man, and this spikily honest little book exposes more of the man than ever before." - Blake Morrison, The Guardian

"My Unwritten Books, seven essays on the seven books he has not written, is bravely done. After all, we are talking about failure -- but admitting it takes the kind of confidence born of success. The failures are variously explained, but they can also be thought of as crises of faith." - Susan Salter Reynolds, The Los Angeles Times
posted by George Cassiel @ 2:50 da tarde  
  • At 2:04 da manhã, Blogger dizia ela baixinho said…


    que o teu regresso foi saudado é um facto. que a absoluta urgência da tua escrita era outro.


    que operação de cosmética fizeste ao blogue? está tudo ao contrário!

    sou uma conservadora, é o q é...

    de qq modo, bom estares de volta.

  • At 4:05 da manhã, Blogger Filipe M. Reis said…

    oba, oba!

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"Este era un cuco que traballou durante trinta anos nun reloxo. Cando lle chegou a hora da xubilación, o cuco regresou ao bosque de onde partira. Farto de cantar as horas, as medias e os cuartos, no bosque unicamente cantaba unha vez ao ano: a primavera en punto." Carlos López, Minimaladas (Premio Merlín 2007)

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